Psuedo Mirroring

Current State:
So currently I have the new system functioning the same way the old was with the ability to have four hands using mirroring (by mirroring the frame) as well as a left hand mirror, right hand mirror mode. Also added in a four handed mode where the left controls the left and the right hand, the right etc. These are at the moment controlled by key board pushes (so that eventually the system can be run from by an "administrator" or something, rather than in VR)

The rigged hands still are looking the same as before with a few of the polygons flipped or something (the problem we discussed at the last meeting) however because the system is now desk mounted the "drifting" issue is eliminated.

Psuedo Mirroring:
As far as psuedo mirroring goes I haven't gotten much further than last week. I started by seeing how easy it would be to gain information about the hands (I know that it would be in the code somewhere buried deep) and it turned out it was a relatively easy task.

From a frame I could work my way deep enough to find out:
  • Left or Right Hand
  • Palm Position
  • Wrist Position
  • Normal and direction of palm
  • Finger:
    • Finger type
    • Finger tip position
    • List of bones within the finger (and further positions of these)
  • These are all provided in the Leap coordinate system which means that it would be trivial to get the Unity position of all of these (which we could in turn use to power a new hand)

Animation/Hand Model:
  • The bigger challenge has been implementing the psuedo mirroring because as we discussed I can't work out how to create a hand model from scratch that doesn't use the Unity data to in turn put our own coordinates into the hand to move it. 
  • From last week we discussed the potential of using a different hand model to do this where it would be an entirely separate model from unity that takes x amount of parameters to move/rotate etc. However this is proving more difficult then expected so far as I don't know too much about animation within Unity.  I'm not sure if I'm going down the right track with looking at models but the ones that I've found are 3d models created on some kind of modelling software which are rigged and can be animated in Unity (I assume). It's difficult to compare the types as I don't really know how animation works (something I will look into in the morning) but for now this is what I've found:
      • A free 3d model of rigged hands, I tried to add this to my system but didn't know how to move the parts yet
      • Also has a youtube video which makes it look like it's quite flexible and potentially a viable option:
      • This one specifies that each finger can only be controlled by one bone which may be what we need if we only have a few points to work with
  • Am currently a little stuck with how I would be able to translate coordinates into animations and I think it's a bit of a road block when looking at models. 


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