Table mounted version PT II

Just a short update post today :)

I'm not sure if what I've done today is correct but this is the path that I went down that seems to be working.

So because I couldn't work out how to change the origin point (set (0,0,0) to a specific point in the real world) I used the HMD to chose a point. I did this by putting the HMD in a specific point in the real world and checking the position of the center eye camera. Not sure if the centre eye camera is the best one to use though as I'm not sure where exactly on the HMD it was located. Anyway as a starting point I went with this and took the position  as (0,-0.4,0.24). Using this I attempted to account for the location of the camera by subtracting half of the HMD height which left me with a real world position (x marked on my desk) and it's Unity coordinates.

Using this point I measured the position of the sensor away from the point and placed a gameobject representation of the sensor in the scene. The main issue with this is that it's still not perfectly accurate. It looks a lot better than the original version however the small amount of guess work involve with the camera means it won't ever be fully accurate.

Also I realized why my original idea of using the OVRManager Tracker.getPose() method wasn't performing as expected. This was because it wasn't returning the coordinate in Unity space rather it was returning the position in relation to the last centered position of the HMD. So for example if GetPose returned the vector (0.2, -0.1, 0.1) it means that the sensor is 20cm to the right, 10 cm below and 10cm behind the headset rather than the actual position. A potential direction to take this in would be to get the position of the HMD at runtime and add the pose returned from the method to it to find the real time sensor position in Unity space.

Current Scene
I have two black tape lines running down the 1m mark  (measured from the edge of the table) and the 0.5m mark. Both the leap and sensor are centered on the 0.5m line, and the leap motion is mounted 0.5m in front of the sensor.

  • 0.5m line:
    • x =  0.06
    • y = -0.445
  • 1m line:
    • x = -0.44
    • y = -0.445
  • Sensor (Top middle point):
    • x =  0.06
    • y = -0.185
    • z =  0. 74
  • Leap (origin of leap, middle)
    • x = 0.06
    • y = -0.42
    • z = 0.24


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