
Showing posts from March, 2018

Inverse Kinematics

After a busy few weeks back into the semester aswell as a week long battle with fresher flu, i'm finally feeling better and ready to settle back into the lab. I left off continuing down the psuedo mirroring pathway and had gotten to the point where I could manipulate one of the model hands based on leap data. (The idea of separating the leap motion "magic" and a visual model). Currently the way I do this is by just manipulating the transform of each of the game object points to match the leap points that I have. However as mentioned previously I currently only have the points for each finger tip, palm position and wrist position so by just using these points and updating the model each update frame it means that only the tips of the finger, palm and wrist move and the rest of the hand stays at its original place which creates a rather "spastic" looking hand. I think this could be on the right track but I need to work out how to move all the points in the hand...