Inverse Kinematics
After a busy few weeks back into the semester aswell as a week long battle with fresher flu, i'm finally feeling better and ready to settle back into the lab.
I left off continuing down the psuedo mirroring pathway and had gotten to the point where I could manipulate one of the model hands based on leap data. (The idea of separating the leap motion "magic" and a visual model). Currently the way I do this is by just manipulating the transform of each of the game object points to match the leap points that I have. However as mentioned previously I currently only have the points for each finger tip, palm position and wrist position so by just using these points and updating the model each update frame it means that only the tips of the finger, palm and wrist move and the rest of the hand stays at its original place which creates a rather "spastic" looking hand. I think this could be on the right track but I need to work out how to move all the points in the hand based on these positions.
After a little bit of research and listening for key words around the HCI lab I think I've gathered that the solution to this would be Inverse Kinematics. This is something that I understand Matt has done with his robot arms, however he's a very busy man currently so I think I will have a little look into it myself and see whether this is a solution or not.
Inverse Kinematics:
This is a way of calculating where each of the joints in a limb are based on an end point. So for example, it's a technique that could be used to calculate where each of the joints in the finger should be based on the goal position of the finger tip. I've looked into a few examples online and a lot of the math seems quite over my head but I made a start anyway using a paper I found here.
Degree's of Freedom:
Okay from my understanding each finger in the hand has four DOF.
- 3 DOF for flexion/extension, this is about movements that affect the angle between two parts of the body, flexion bending the finger down and extending the opposite. So by looking at a finger there are three joints that can move up and down equating to 3 DOF.
- The other degree of freedom comes because one joint can move the finger can move side to side, this comes under abduction/adduction. Abduction, spreading fingers out, adduction, putting them back together again.
The paper outlines a bunch of different solutions and their pro's and cons to each. From what I can tell the optimization based method may be the way to go as it sounds like the most tried and true technique but I'm really not sure and would be something I need to talk to someone else about. Below is a brief summary of the types of solutions outlined in the paper.- Algebraic approach, probably not viable as paper talks about how any more than 2 DOF causes issues.
- Iterative methods, where the goal is to minimise the difference between the current and goal position of the end effector (the finger tip). There are different ways to do this.
- Jacobian Inversion method
- Optimization based (take primary equation as minimization problem, use to minimize error)
- Cyclic coordinate descent (based on minimization to each joint separately)
- Jacobian transpose edition
This is where I'm at with the IK currently but will need to have a chat to one of the lab experts before I can really move on with this side of things.
Forum Update:
As a random aside, back in early December we posted on the leap motion developers forum for some help regarding the mirroring. Well, late last week my post was bumped by another developer looking to do a similar thing and a member of the Leap motion team replied giving slightly more insight into the original problem:
This post processing thing is not something I understand much about but think it could be quite interesting to look into as an aside, as well as keep an eye on this post for the updates from the development team which could potentially help with the current task on hand.
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